

In Year 6, we aim to enthuse children about reading and we ensure shared reading plays a central role in the school day!

On this page you will be able to see a list of books that we plan to read this year.

Why not ask your children questions about the text? Or you may even wish to get a copy to enjoy and discuss with your child at home!

Our texts in the autumn term were:

  • Poems from the Second World War by Gaby Morgan
  • The Executioner's Daughter by Jane Hardstaff
  • The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling
  • Diver's Daughter by Patrice Lawrence

Our texts in the spring term were:

  • The Happy Prince and other tales by Oscar Wilde
  • Great Adventurers by Alistair Humphries
  • Floodland by Marcus Sedgwick

Our texts this summer term are:

  • The Youngest Marcher by Cynthia Levinson
  • Holes by Louis Sacher
  • Sky Chasers by Emma Carroll