Personal, Social and Health Education

Pride, Respect, Empowerment

At High Street we value PSHE to be the glue that holds the curriculum and overall school experience of the child together. We believe that all people regardless of race, religion, sex, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, age must feel welcome in school with a clear ethos that spells out acceptance and respect. Through progressively structured lessons, activities and assemblies across all Key Stages and beyond our teaching includes all of these differences, as we believe that our children’s identities are being formed, evaluated and re-evaluated all the way through their formative years. We encourage and teach the children to develop their self-worth, explore and have confidence in their identity and who they are as they navigate their way into adolescence and adulthood.  


Throughout our PSHE curriculum High Street supports the child’s well-being and mental health by creating an ethos where everyone feels included. The children learn about the ability to feel, express and manage a range of positive and negative emotions, how to form and maintain good relationships, how to cope and manage change and uncertainty and how to develop resilience and empowerment. By giving our children these opportunities we believe all the children will feel that they belong, have a valuable contribution to make and they will feel prepared for a life where diversity is embraced and there is no fear of difference. 


Our PSHE curriculum can be downloaded below. It is split into three core themes which align with our whole school curriculum aims- Pride, Respect and Empowerment.



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