Newsletter 9.11.17

Date: 9th Nov 2017 @ 2:24pm

8th November 2017


Dear Parents


Welcome back following the half term break. We hope that you all managed to spend some quality family time together during the week.


Children in Need

This year’s Children in Need fundraising day will be 17th November. Following consultation with other children in the school, the School Council have decided that they would like us to participate in this. They have considered the different options and would like all children to dress in colourful clothing or clothing with spots on during the day instead of school uniform and make a contribution of a minimum of a £1.00 for doing so. All proceeds will be forwarded to Children in Need.


School Friendship Discos

These will be run on Thursday 23rd November by members of the PTA and will celebrate friendship in school and the wider community. KS1 disco is 5.00pm – 6.15pm followed by KS2 6.30pm – 7.45pm, the cost of £3.50 to be paid on the night. Further details will be distributed by the committee. If you are able to help or support in anyway during the evening then please contact the PTA members via the school office. Children should be collected from their usual home time doors.


Y4 Residential Visit to York

The Y4 children will visit York from Wednesday 15th November to Friday 17th November. During their stay they will visit the Yorkshire Museum, the National Railway Museum, the Jorvik Centre and the Dig before visiting Techniquest on their way home. They will also explore York and the racecourse where they will stay in the Race Course Accommodation. I am sure that you will join with me in wishing them well for their visit.


Parental Returns

Many thanks for taking the time to complete the parent questionnaires provided during the Parents Evenings. These have been collated and your responses will be added to the school website in the next few days. Although the vast majority of responses were positive we have discovered that a number of parents are not familiar with our governors or their role in the school. This is a real shame as the governors work very hard for your children, although their role is unpaid. They visit school regularly, provide appropriate challenge, make decisions and offer support.


To aid you with finding out about our governors please find attached a summary document of what the governors do in the school. This can also be found on the school website. In addition governors have also posted images of themselves on the website and have added a pen portrait about themselves. On future newsletters I will add two images and pen portraits for your information. Should you want to know more about the governors and their role in running the school, they can be contacted via the school office.


Should you have any concerns or issues you wish to discuss, please don’t hesitate to contact me via the school office.


Kind regards


Mark Joule

Head teacher

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