
The Aims of our History Curriculum:

The history curriculum at High Street focuses on local, national and international themes. We use these to help the children develop an understanding of chronology and the world around them, whilst using local focuses to make the historical enquiries relevant.

Our aim is to make history a practical and informative subject that offers the children the opportunity to highlight key skills e.g. critical thinking, problem solving, chronology and summarising.

The Impact of our History Curriculum:

-As a result of our History curriculum, children develop in to confident, independent historians with a deep understanding of their local and wider history through a local, national and international study.

-Children will know more, remember more and understand more about History. They will also be able to understand and use key skills of chronological ordering and their knowledge and understanding of events in the past, historical interpretation and historical enquiry.

-As historians, children will learn lessons from history to influence the decisions they make in their lives today and in the future.

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